Finding the Evidence - Find Evidence Fast (1 hour)
This course builds on the introductory session on the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub and covers and explores in more detail the variety of Evidence Based resources accessed through the Hub and wider on the Internet which have been designed for health professionals to provide quick access to the latest evidence to inform their decision making. Attendees will be given a chance to look for information that they are interested in.
- NICE - (provides access to selective and authoritative evidence in health, social care and public health. Includes Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS) the BNF and NICE Guidance, NICE advice and quality standards).
- Cochrane - (search for evidence, protocols, trials and systematic reviews to inform healthcare decision making)
- TRIP - (clinical database to support and inform evidence based healthcare, decision making and patient care)
- DynaMed, BMJ Best Practice and Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Procedures - (Evidence guidelines and medical opinion - for practitioners at the point of care)
- Other quality information resources and an brief introduction to in depth databases.
To find out more or to book a session, please contact or or call SFHT extension 4222 or extension 4226.